Blaze inter.Net

Database Driven

Sports & Entertainment

CBT Training

SHARP Electronics - Intranet
BLAZE inter.NET is currently building a major computer based training (CBT) intranet site for SHARP Electronics. This site allows SHARP management the ability to update pages from a user-friendly administration area including FAQs, What's New, Personnel, and much more. Their staff can create new pages on the fly to build unlimited new classes for training the Sharp Electronics sales force. Managers can then upload their own seminars created in PowerPoint; using templates designed by the Blaze team. Please click on the link below to view additional information and screen shots of the project.
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SHARP Electronics AR-C150 Training CD-Rom
When one of the world's largest companies required an interactive CD-Rom training disc for their newest Color Imager/Copier, they called BLAZE inter.NET. Please click on the link below to find out more on this self-running CD-Rom presentation that employs audio/video clips, animation, music, and other tools to train the Sharp Electronics sales force and to demonstrate the product to prospective customers.
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The New York City Courthouse Information Kiosk
One of BLAZE inter.NET's most challenging projects, the New York City Courthouse Information Kiosk showcases some of our greatest talents; expertise in multimedia, databasing and superior customer relations, which was able to cut through mounds of red tape and complete a truly exciting project for a very demanding client.
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Ramapo College of NJ

When Ramapo College needed an Intranet built, they chose BLAZE inter.NET. We worked closely with the school to create a network that enabled their staff to easily participate in the updating and creation of content. We also did an on-site install of the site on their school servers and provided training.

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